Media & Podcasts
Somatic Trauma Talks
Notice That Podcast
Somatic, Adventure, & EMDR Therapy with Katie Asmus (76)
In this podcast episode, Melissa Benitendi interviews Katie Asmus, founder of the Somatic Nature Therapy Institute. They discuss somatic work, adventure, EMDR and how to wrap it all up in one.
Heartseed Health Podcast
Healing Trauma and Post-Traumatic Growth
Dr. Noah Goldstein explores many aspects of trauma, post-traumatic growth, and how EMDR and Rites of Passage approaches can support trauma healing; including how sometimes traumas can serve as an opportunity for growth.
Women Leading the Way Speaker Series
Episode 1: Capacity, Compassion, and Finding Purpose After Trauma featuring Katie Asmus
Mindi Counts of Inner Ocean Empowerment Project and Katie Asmus discuss the very human experience of nervous system dysregulation and how self-compassion and connection to resource builds capacity after trauma. They also discuss post-traumatic growth and the way that meaning and purpose can arise out of challenging situations.
REBIRTH Interview
Resourcing Ourselves as Humans and Leaders Through Nature & Joy
Katie Asmus, REBIRTH Program Trauma Specialist, and Steph Yost talks about big and little "t" trauma, what we can do to resource ourselves in a triggering world, and how nature and joy are masterful teachers for those interested in living as a sovereign, whole self.
Embodied and Awake Podcast
Nature As Healer
In this conversation, Alison Rothman and Katie Asmus talk about the necessity of tending to our own self-care, being guided by inspiration, and how we can affect change in the world from a heart-centered perspective. Katie dives into the realm of somatic wilderness therapy and our interconnection with our bodies, the natural world, and each other.
Somatic Expeditions Summit
Journey Through the Body Into Expanded Awareness, Connect with What’s Alive and Create New Possibilitites!
Ahni Bonner interviews Katie Asmus on the power of somatic awareness and movement in support of living from a place of greater intention and aliveness.
Wilderness Therapy and Eco-Therapy Talks
Therapy in the Great Outdoors Podcast
Interview with Katie Asmus
In this conversation with Dr. Laura Park Figueroa, Katie Asmus discusses the essential role of rituals and ceremonies in nature-based therapy, particularly for neurodivergent children.
Stories from the Field Podcast
Interview with Katie Asmus
In this conversation Will White and Katie Asmus discuss Katie’s journey into the field of Wilderness Therapy. They also talk about the current state of the field.
The Thoughtful Counselor Podcast
Trusting the Natural World – During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
Katie Asmus explores the therapeutic benefit of relationship with the natural world and offers practical strategies that counselors and their clients can use to connect to the natural world for self-care, guidance, and support during this challenging time.
Lessons from the Map Podcast
Nature-based Therapy, Place, and Ceremony
Jamie Blackburn of Inner Map Project delves into conversation with Katie Asmus about the power of being connected with the land and nature beings right where you are now, ways of deepening connection with nature, and the power of engaging in nature-based Ceremony and Ritual to support healing and growth.
Calm, Cool and Connected Podcast
Somatic Wilderness Therapy
On this episode, Dr. Liz Fedrick and Katie Asmus talk about Katie’s core practice of marrying Somatic Therapy and Wilderness Therapy. Discover some simple ways we can all begin to practice mindfulness in nature.
Ceremony, Ritual and Rites of Passage
Recorded ZOOM interviews and conference presentations:
Healing Bridge Interview
Full-body Prayer: Weaving the Strands of Earth, Soma, & Soul
In this conversation with Alyona Kobevka and Alexandre Jodun, Katie Asmus shares her deep love for human beings and the Earth, and guides us back into the place where our bodies interconnect with the wild world.
Nourished Online Conference
Incorporating Nature-Based Ceremony in Therapy for Resource, Trauma Healing, & Rites of Passage
In this presentation, Katie Asmus gives an overview of nature-based therapy, ceremony, and the role these can play in supporting clients through life transition as well as in healing trauma. She introduces the concepts of Resourcing and Rites of Passage, and discusses why these are powerful to include in healing work.
FireKeepers Global Online Summit
Everyday Sacred: Cultivating Connection to Self-Care, Ceremony and Ritual in Modern Times
Ben Marchman and Katie Asmus invites us to consider how we stay connected to our visions and to the sacred on a daily basis while also caring for ourselves and maintaining our alignment and boundaries.
The Higher Practice Podcast
Ceremonies and Nature-Based Rituals in Counseling
In this episode, Keith Kurlander and Katie Asmus discuss wilderness therapy and nature-based therapy and the ways in which they differ. We discuss in detail how you can use nature-based ritual and ceremony to foster healing in your clients, thereby supporting you in not always relying on yourself as the primary healer.
Parental Brain Summit
Parenting as a Rite of Passage
In this talk, Katie Asmus and Haaweatea Bryson discuss the model of the Rite of Passage and how the journey of parenting is an initiatory experience. They offer ways to move through this experience with greater intention and self-care.
Contact Us To Learn More
For general inquiries or more information about trainings, supervision, and mentorship, email us or call 720-507-6247.