Inner Quest Women’s* Retreat

A 4-Day In-Person Women’s Nature Retreat Designed to Help You Pause, Reflect, and Reconnect

We invite you to join a small group of women for an inspiring and illuminating four-day, three-night wilderness retreat in the mountains near Boulder, Colorado. 

Our Inner Quest Women’s Retreat is a deeply soulful journey that will help you connect with the land, yourself, your life circumstances, and your intentions — all within a supportive container. 

Think of this as a time of pause — a time to empty out and listen deeply to the voices of the natural world and the wise voice inside as it speaks to your soul. 

You will return home with a shift in perspective, feeling more at home in yourself, and with a deeper sense of belonging, purpose, and connection.

Who This Course is For

The Somatic Nature Therapy Institute’s Inner Quest is for anyone who is craving time on the land for inner reflection and connection with community. If you are longing for time and space to pause, take a breath, and listen to your heart and soul, a wilderness quest is for you. Your time on the land will help remind you of who you truly are, especially if you are going through major life transitions or facing tough decisions. The only prerequisite: a willingness to step into the unknown, in order to find a greater sense of purpose and belonging. And a desire to be on the land, supported by the great web of life!

sunset through clouds over green hills

What You’ll Get From a Wilderness Quest

  • An invitation to reconnect with your authentic self

  • Connection with nature

  • Earth-centered ceremony

  • Powerful meditations, poetry, and journaling

  • Nourishing your body, mind and soul

  • Deepening into community

  • Silence and solitude

  • Support for preparation and integration 

  • A 24-hour solo (with the option to fast)

I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise.
— Dawna Markova

Retreat Outline

Preparation: We will hold two preparatory meetings where we will begin our deep-dive as a group. During these gatherings we will meet each other, begin to speak to our intentions for the retreat, and discuss the important details and logistics to help you feel prepared for your time on the land. These meetings will take place over Zoom. In addition, Katie or Lisa will meet with you for a 1:1 intention setting meeting prior to the retreat. You’ll also receive suggested preparation exercises to begin engaging with your intention for the journey. We also invite you to track your dreams and pay attention to synchronicities as you move toward the quest time.

Day 1: Arriving on the land at 9am the first day, we will begin the journey together and have time to connect with your inner wisdom, the land, each other, and each person’s intention for the quest.

Day 2: Day two is spent deepening into community and reflecting on and clarifying intentions, and preparing for solo time.

Day 3: On the morning of the third day, you will have the opportunity to spend 24 hours of solo time with a place on the land that calls to you. During your time on solo, Katie and Lisa will be in ceremony, holding sacred space for your intentions.

Day 4: Just after sunrise on the fourth day, we will welcome you back to our basecamp, invite stories from your solo time and offer reflection, creating a witnessing that aims to deepen your experience. We will also consider how to incorporate the gifts and insights from the quest into your daily life. We will close our ceremonial time together in the early evening, having cultivated a deeper connection to ourselves, the land, the unseen world, and our own inner truths.

Integration: Finally, we will hold one integration gathering a few weeks after you come back from the retreat – over Zoom.

What People are Saying About Inner Quest Women’s Retreat


Upcoming Quests:

  • Quest Retreat 1: May 31 - June 3, 2025

  • Quest Retreat 2: August 16-19, 2025

Location: In the mountains 45 min west of Boulder, Colorado on private land (at 9,200 feet above sea level)


  • Regular rate - $1495

  • Early bird rate - $1350 (if you enroll by 03/31/25 for Quest 1 and 06/10/25 for Quest 2)

Prerequisites: A willingness to step into the unknown, in order to find a greater sense of purpose and belonging. And a love of being on the land!

Food and Lodging: There is no running water on the land, but there are camping toilets. We provide some group dinners. For other meals, there are spots to set up camp stoves and store coolers for your prep or storage needs.

About Your Facilitators

Katie Asmus sitting in nature smiling

With several decades of experience in outdoor education, therapy,  and teaching, and rites of passage guiding, Katie Asmus, MA, BMP, LPC, incorporates present-moment awareness, relationship to the natural world, body-mind connection and ceremonial practices to support people in more deeply and compassionately connecting to themselves, others, and the earth. She believes strongly in the power of spending time in nature as a way to listen deeply inward, and has a long history of creating, practicing, and facilitating personally meaningful culturally relevant ceremonies and rites of passage. Currently, Katie directs and facilitates rites of passage trainings and experiences, sees psychotherapy and coaching clients, guest teaches, and trains therapists and healers, through The Somatic Nature Therapy Institute, a multi-dimensional therapeutic and educationally-based organization that incorporates Nature-based and Body-Centered offerings in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Lisa Kennemur smiling in front of waterfall

Lisa Kennemur, MA, marries her love of nature and of helping others with her work supporting people in discovering their own inner wisdom and innate tendency toward healing. Having navigated several major life changes (including leaving her nearly 25-year career in the United States Navy where she served as a medical physicist/radiation health specialist to channel her passion for helping others into therapy and rites of passage work), Lisa specializes in guiding others through personal growth, chronic illness, transitions, evolutions and major life changes. You’ll often find her in nature, where she feels most grounded and connected to the Earth and all other beings (humans, plants, and animals).


Apply for Inner Quest Women’s Retreat

To apply, click the link below to fill out an application and share about your intentions for stepping into this ceremonial retreat. . After reviewing your application, we’ll schedule a time to talk with you, share more about the retreat, answer any questions you have, and collaboratively determine if it is the right fit for you at this time in your life. From there, we will send you enrollment and payment details.


For questions or if you’d like more information, please contact us.

Learn more about all of our Quests and Retreats.

*We acknowledge the complex history of identity expressions, reclamation, and inclusion through language. Our intention is to create a container that recognizes the broad scope of womanhood. We welcome women (cis and trans), femmes and genderqueer people. As facilitators, we are actively invested in our own learning and skill development around gender diversity and trans inclusion, and welcome any questions or requests from interested applicants.